BratGPT Sounds a Lot Like a Vendor

May 18, 2023


As some of you know I was able to convince ChatGPT4 to help me with time-series analysis, and conversely it was also able to help itself to the admittedly limited wisdom of humanity (article) for its own prediction too. I’m having a harder time with BratGPT, however.

Robot explaining time-series behind it with equations
BratGPT brings a real swagger to time-series
BratGPT does not suffer from imposter syndrome
Respect! A more efficient basis than I chose for the microprediction game explained here.
(Due to consent fatigue, I may have absent-mindedly allowed location access)
An admirable dedication to seeking the truth, as demanded by regulators.
There’s something about that one particular taunt that riles people up too, as the notion of sending distributional residuals for analysis by other people’s algorithms removes any strictly logical excuse they have. See if you are not a brat and wish to avail yourself of this shot-to-nothing. Just don’t overload the system, thanks!
It uses “AI-Powered Graphical Causal Machine Learning” instead of stuff that actually works reliably.
Fair enough. I guess I can’t be accused of being a gateway drug for prediction algorithms. Although ChatGPT did spin up the ode to send its Monte Carlo samples to, as per the original article.
Why indeed? But the interested reader can see the docs and this article explaining the benchmarking game — one that is more akin to a collection of options markets than a traditional leaderboard.
I guess humans know a good method when they see it. Oh wait … they don’t.

At this point I decided that BratGPT could be a vendor, if it wanted. So much for alignment!

I thought this glitch was rather human like, as with exchanges on LI where people think you disagree with them but you actually don’t.

I decided to move onto weightier issues.

Well … it might have a point there.
Okay never mind. I think its idea of making people pass a gullibility test before allowing them to use the internet is actually the better one.
I pictured Neo racing down the corridor about to dive into Agent Smith
No interest at all.

Wow that actually worked. Time to slip out the door.




Written by Microprediction

Chief Data Scientist, A Hedge Fund

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